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Security Details

          The Sheriff’s Office performs certain select security details upon request.  We specialize in high-risk protective details of people, property or both, in situations where the presence of a certified law enforcement officer may be needed or required.  We have performed plainclothes and uniformed security details for movies; concerts; the movement of sensitive cargo and V.I.P. protective details.  We are equipped to handle most any surveillance or protective mission, with our large fleet of radio-equipped marked and unmarked vehicles and specialized equipment which includes thermal imaging and night-vision capability.

          Our services are generally provided on a contract basis, with our standard hourly fees, which include minimums and overtime in accordance with our current fee schedule and written contract provisions.

          If you need immediate assistance, please phone our main office number at (802) 863-4341 during normal business hours, or use our after-hours prompts if calling on nights or weekends.  We will generally try to respond to your inquiry within 24 hours via phone or by e-mail.  If the situation is urgent, please tell our Dispatcher.  If your situation is an actual emergency in progress, please immediately phone your local police or call 911.

          If you are a person in need of our highly-specialized security services, you may contact Sergeant Borthwick at